Friday 5 January 2018

free reading review of"pelangi village"

Name : Yulia sari
Npm   :16611015

Pelangi Village, from Dirty Village to be a Healthy Village

Many ways are done to commemorate the Independence Day of Indonesia, one of them is to turn the village into beautiful with colorful paint. As did Sukakerta Village residents in Cianjur, West Java.
They became pilot villages from the former slums to healthy villages. Unlike other villages that celebrate the race on Indonesian Independence Day, villagers preferred to work together to transform their village into a rainbow village or a healthy village.

This idea was originally conceived by a physician alongside the ranks of the village apparatus. Rainbow Village would be a pilot area that had been slum become healthier. Later this village facilitated health services and free ambulance for 24 hours. Now 90 houses have been changed to be more beautiful and ready to welcome the 72nd anniversary of RI. Hoping this village can also attract tourists to come and become a tourist village.

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