Saturday 30 September 2017

Free Reading " The Coala Cafe" Resti R A 16611006

The Coala Cafe

      Koala cafe is a popular cafe for many people. And this is mary's favorite cafe. The cafe is famous, as it is delicious food. It is not only  cheap price, but there are also foods with higher prices. Cheap price $.70 for ice cream cones and most expensive $4.50 for sandwiches Ham.
       Mery spends $ 6.00 for lunch, and when summer she always buys ice cream cones, as the café charges only 70 cents for a cone.

Review of : The Weather 

Marika does not like summer, she does not like hot weather. And now in Japan is summer, every weekend she will go swimming in lakes. She likes winter and fall, she will go snowboarding, she likes cold weather.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : Common Errors

Tom spent a lot of time explaining to his students in Thailand about "same as". According to Jess in Spanish the common mistake is that people are singular noun. In France, the common mistake is in the "Th" pronunciation, and to change it is very difficult because it is already their accent. In Libya, they speak as if talking to themselves. Japan has another common phrase that I think is used both in Japanese and because it comes from English they use it in English to Japanese.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading

Free Reading "The Joy of Travelling" Resti R A 16611006

The Joy of Travelling
      It's about someone who is bored with his habbitual activity, so he  need go travel and make sure that he will be enjoy and have fun day. Say good bye to your problem and job for a moment.

      Traveling is not only make your life happy but also broaden  our insight of the real world. We can also find new friends who have the same hobby. Our thinking about the world will be wider than before that we know from the books we read when we was child.
Review of : Night Out

Clare seems very busy, busy schedule. The conversation tells about Clare's plan tonight, what Clare is going to do tonight. She just bought a bag of giant cards and she will play it tonight. She explained how to play it to Todd. Yeah looks like it's a fun game.

Written : Eka Rahmasari 
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : THE RUN

Christopher loved to run. He will follow the marathon run as far as 42 kilometers, so from that he practices every day. He prepares herself for it. He ran as far as 80 kilometers a week or a day as far as 10-15 kilometers. He is preparing for his fifth marathon. Almost every day he runs. It seems he has been addicted to run.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading

50th free reading : Look Good, Now!

So you can look good you have to do is to be able to eat healthy. Just eat the right amount and never eat too much. Choose the right food like fruit, vegetables and fish. Don't drink coffee too much. Drinks lots of water. This good for your blood and skin. And don't forget to smile. Smiling can make you look good too. 😊

Written : Vina Karima
NPM : 16611003

49 free reading : How We Learn

Learning is a big part of life. Everybody always learn everything. We can learn with reading, reading opens the door to the world of books. Books can teach us about anything. But, learn not only with books. We can learn with anything. We can learn by teaching others too. When we tell someone how to do it, we learn new things as well.

Written : Vina Karima
NPM     : 16611003

Free reading5 ( The Fastest Cars in The world)

this story tells the story of a fast car, and his ordinary fast car has an expensive price and spends a lot of money, but dream to own it. in the World crave fast cars with various brands eg its a worldwide brand and who want to have many people is Ferarry who has 2 doors made in english.
sports cars have a diverse speed and has become a particular secret to design it.
maybe if you work hard you can buy smua this car or one of them.

Review by:
Vera sheilla (16611052)
Review of : Next Step

Crystal works in a restaurant around the station. For her, the job is sometimes fun but sometimes boring, she wants to find another job.While George wants to work in a clothing store, because he is very fond of fashion. George is a people person (shy), he cannot to directly talk with a new person he knows, while he must do it to work in a clothing store. And now he's trying to change it. 

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading

Kanade comes from Akita, Northen Japan. Her home is in Yashima town.
There are a lot of mountains and a waterfall "Hotonekade", and very beautiful when fall season.

Her father came from Yashima and her mother is from Nigaho.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading 
Review of : SUSHI

Jessica has her own schedule to eat Sushi is every Tuesday and Friday. She buys sushi at the supermarket, because it is cheaper than the price at the restaurant.
She used to buy a box of sushi with different types of Sushi, such as salmon, octopus, or squid.
But she does not like Natto, for her it's disgusting food.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : APPLES

Kentaro said that the number of apples in Japan depends on the season. If summer, apples will be very little and expensive. Apples in Japan come from Aomori (Nothern part of Japan). There are two types of apples are red and green apples.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : BREAKFAST

Kentaro is a Japaness. Every morning, he has breakfast in Japanese style. He eats traditional Japanese food such as natto, miso soup and rice, white rice and fish. 
He has breakfast every morning at his home. The usual American breakfast meal is toast and cereal, orange juice or milk. He said that the Japanese breakfast time is around 7 or 8 am. 

I think it same as the other countries. 

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : English Life

The conversation tells about Tara's place in England, Redding, South-East London. It's a bustling city but not big and not crowded like Tokyo. The most amazing of the city are the friendly people, as well as the clean and safe city.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : THE GYM

The conversation tells about: when in the USA Yoko weight gained 20 pounds. To lose weight he did the gym for 20 minutes, but he was too lazy to do it. In the end he did aerobic and swim, but he preferred aerobic because it was more fun. He likes the music and dancing when he does aerobics. He really likes eating, but now he avoids to eat too much chocolate.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of :  Fashion Sense

In the conversation it tells about Melissa tricks in shopping. When she likes a suit, a shirt or a color, he does not buy it right, she will go to another store first to compare prices. She will buy the same goods and the same quality with different prices.

In choosing clothes, she has her own style but sometimes she sees other people's style as a fusion. Even sometimes she makes her own clothes by utilizing clothes that are not used, she sewed into a new clothes. Creative !!

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading  : Free Reading

Review of : MONEY

In the conversation Todd put on what James would do if he had a lot of money. James answered that he would buy an island. He will read, study, and play with his dog to spend his time.

According to james money is not everything, money does not buy happiness, but he thinks money can make things easier.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : Food and Health

Mike is a man who is in a healthy lifestyle. He almost never eats fast food. He always go to the gym. He does not like fast food, no smoking, and he does not do too much stuff for his body.

He said that stress is the worst thing. Smoking too much, drinking too much, and eating too much are the bad things. BALANCE is the healthiest thing. MODERATION is the key.

To stay healthy, we have to wake up early, go for a run. gym in the morning, and eat a balanced diet. Try not too stressed, and to party too much.

Sometimes, Mike eats chocolate, Belgium Chocolate. He lived in Belgium for several months, and he likes Belgium Chocolate, so sometimes he eats it.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : Halloween

This reading tells about the American-Canadian Halloween tradition. Tells about "trick and treat". At Halloween celebrations the kids will go around to the houses to play trick and treat. When homeowners choose treat then they will get candy, apple, or something else. If the homeowners choose a trick then they have to play a trick. Something bad would happen if the landlord did not give them candy or apples, then the children would throw their house with rubbish, eggs, dirt.

They have to wear unique outfits to celebrate halloween like wonder women, clowns, princess, goat boy, or other unique outfits.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : Cookies 

One day the author and his / her mom make cookies. They make the dough and put it on the pan. Then they enjoy it while warm. Delicious !!

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : Enjoy Quality Time With your Children

The parent's job is not enough to just give the material (the stuff they need) to their child. Children always want their parents are always at their side
.But sometimes their parents are so busy that they have little time left for their children. When there is time, quality time is very important. 

Take advantage of that time to invite children to tell about their daily lives, invite them to play, eat together. So the relationship between parent and child will be much closer.

Written : Eka Rahmasari 
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : Summer Day

In the summer. Summer is an exciting season. We can play ball, enjoy the sun warm.

The author tells the atmosphere in the summer fun, she/ he can do fun in the summer.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : My Childhood Dream Sports

The writer wanted to be a professional tennis player. She/he always dreams of being a great player. She/ he always trains to develop her/ his tennis skills. Every summer she/he always plays tennis. But after She/ he was 17 years old, it was hard to divide her/his time again to practice tennis.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : The Garden

Sarah is very happy that she will visit her aunt. The thing she liked most about where her aunt was gardening, growing fruits and vegetables. She does not feel disgusted when her body was soiled by the soil.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading
Review of : Too Many Problem

Emily watched news ont the TV. The news was about a pane had crashed. There were 100 victims, 20 died and the others were injured. Hearing the news, he immediately turned off the TV. She's having a lot of trouble, she does not want to add to the burden of her mind with new problems after watching the news.

Written : Eka Rahmasari 
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading

48th free reading : Tuatara

Tuatara is an ancient animal from New Zealand, and they are amongst the oldest creatures in the world. They were on the earth 220 million years ago. Tuatara have a line of small points. They can grow up to 24 centimeters in length and weigh more than one kilogram. Tuatara is a nocturnal and live in holes in the ground. Tuatara is a carnivora. They can live for more than one hundred years. Female lay eggs once every four years and can produce about 12 eggs at a time. Today tuatara can only be found on islands off the coast of New Zealand.

Written : Vina Karima
NPM     : 16611003
Review of : Let's Speak English

I personally agree with Tara, we should communicate or speak English, especially as a student in ESL. Forget for a moment our local language and try to speak English. 
Let's try to speak English !

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Type of Reading : Free Reading

19th free reading : Working from home

Many people have decided to start their own business with the internet connection. They only need laptop and a good idea. But it's not easy as you think. We still need some rules.
First, try to get dressed like the same way as day's work at the office. Then try to have a separate room. This way will help you to have a professional attitude. No need to wear a suit and tie actually, but please don't use your pyjamas! It will make you not serious in your work.
Second, make a schedule when you should start or stop your work same as in a normal job. Stop to think that my office is my rules, so you can start or finish when you like. It will make you become lazy or maybe will make you feel like you are at work all of the time.
The amazing things about working online is we can have an office everywhere. Maybe you can go to a cafe or other place that give you free wifi internet then you just order big coffee for a few hours. You could even organise a meeting with other self - employed people to make new business connection.

18th free reading : Music Magic

         A lot of people love music as well. It makes us happy. Some people said that music can fix pain problems in different ways. They thought that music can take out the feeling of pain that they are going through. Actually there are so many benefit that we can get from music.
     Music be able to reduce the blood pressure, improve our memory, and it makes us more intelligence. How can? Maybe we are able to call this like a magic from music. There are some kinds of music that   are known to be really relaxing. Our brain also like getting stimulated and works as well. It's like give the space to our brain to learn new things. That's why music can make us more intelligence.
       Listen to music also can make our immune system stronger. When people listen to the music, they got a good feeling. Exactly they feel happy and relaxed. When the body went through that things, the immune system lets out hormones that have the task of making the immune system stronger. So this way,  can make sure that person whi listening to the music won't get sick easily. All of us know that music really can do magic for the human being and it used by many people now.

Friday 29 September 2017

17th free reading : Sports 101 : The Importance of Heart

     Heart is very important when it comes to sports. If we don't have the heart, our fight might be useless. For example, basketball can prove this statement. There was a country that tried to build a basketball team and had skill then also ability to face the tallness and built of the teams around the world. This country produced a team that had the biggest heart.
    Start from 24 teams from all over the world, then there were a total of 15 basketball that where only the top three will be competing in the world. With much trust, heart, and hard work together with their skill and practice, the team fought so hard and able to get in 2nd round.
    In the next round, the team once again fought really hard. With all their heart, they won, and now they were in the quarterfinals. But suddenly something worst happened. Two biggest people in the basketball team got hurt so badly. And these are very important people in the team. Then they replaced with team who they have lost many games and years before. They nervous in this game. But if they win, they will be a winner at the world championship.
    In the half time, they lost 5 points but still trust to their hearts. Each of them believed in themselves that they can fight and win eventhough without big men. During the last minutes, they were able to catch up. In the end, they won. They can prove that this is a game that won by heart. Because a player with heart, can fight and win the gold.

Written by : Threesa Afrulli (16611012)

12 free reading: Talking to people from other countries

Langauge is very important to communication with other people. When you meet a person from other country, you may make a mistake in your language and this situation make miss understanding in communication. When you try to understand the word a person says, you might still not understand the right meaning. Meaning of a language is not the same in all countries. So we should learn English language as the universal  language to make easy in your communication with the people from other countries.

11 free reading: Express yourself !

There are so many ways to express your self. One of something is clothes. Being able to wear clothes that will show the real you. Wearing clothes that you want to wear, it will make your day to be happy. Very important to choose clothes that you know how you can express yourself. You must be able to tell the style that you really love. You must know you colors, some colors will make you look better and some that will not. Try to mix and match the clothes to look good more.

10 free reading: Look good now !

If you want to look good, it is not only about make up or clothes or something like that. But look good also about food. Eat healthy is like jus, vegetables, fruit, and fish can make your body good and refresh. Also drinking lots of water it will make your skin look really good. And don't to eat too much salt, as it will change your blood pressure and make it high. Don't drink too much of caffeine and alcohol, as it will make your skin look dry. Don't remember to always smile. Smiling will make you look good. The people will look at you  that they will love right away.  Looking good is easy, as long as you know these things.

9th free reading: work from home

Working is not only at office. Working is not only wearing suit and tie and bring trunk. In this era, we can work from home. Just use the internet, laptop, and creativity we can get some money. Just stay at home and sit on our chair, we can monitor our job. We can be a writer, a bloger, an entrepreneurship, can be everything. But never you think that it is my house so I can start my job when I like. This is so dangerous because you will become lazy.

Free Reading42 The Orange Kitten (Silvi Yani)

This paper tells the story of a girl named Rachel who is very sad because they have to move away from friends and school. She does not like her new place, she missed Arizona where se lived. She is very lonely, her parents also know that their move does not make his son happy. But the work of his new parents is enough to live their lives now.
Until finally Rachel met a cat. And finally every day passed along with the cat.

Review By
Silvi Yani

Name: Silvi Yani
NPM: 16611045

Free Reading41 Getting to Know: The Hunger Games (Silvi Yani)

The above article tells the story of one of the films called The Hunger Games and the most watched in the world in 2012. This film introduces Jennifer Lawrence to the world. The average person making the movie uses a total of $ 78,000,000.00 to create one. This film shows the future of the world in a strange way. It is said, the people who make the film should use a lot of make up on some characters and nothing else. In this way, they can give a different appearance that will show the difference where they come from.

Review By
Silvi Yani

Name: Silvi Yani
NPM: 16611045

Name: Tiara Agustina
NPM: 16611070
Type: Free Reading

During my life, I already have 5 cats. I also like dogs, but moreb like cats because I do not always have to be with them like dogs. My first cat named Paws, she's black with a little white on her legs, she's cute, and we have the same age. Second, named Super Steve, he granted my best friend when his family moved to Hong Kong. Super Steve was light brown and run very fast. Third, Sparky, he was a substitute for dead Paws back then. My brother who gave the name of Sparky from his favorite football player. sparky died of being hit by a car. Fourth, Blam is my favorite cat. She's orange and white, big eyes, she's lazy, weird, and very active. The last one named Skimbleshanks, the name was from a poem by TTS elliot about a cat who works on a train.

Name: Tiara Agustina
NPM: 16611070
Type: Free Reading

As parents, they want their children to behave well on everything, but sometimes their treatment is out of control. How to overcome it, look at his behavior inside and outside the house. How he acts, then see yourself how you educate him. For example if your child wants something, and when he cries then you give it, it will make him feel for that reason he can always get his wishes, you have to do if really you do not allow the frog to stop until they really stop crying, it will be a learning for him to be a good child.

Name: Tiara Agustina
NPM: 16611070
Type: Free Reading

Many people have trouble making money, they need hard work to get it. But many children spend their parents' money on things that are not important. Preferably, from an early age they are taught how difficult it is to earn money because even though his parents are rich, there comes a time when the wealth is down. The need for awareness to use money well and most importantly to help people.

Name: Yulia Gusmiarni, Studnent Number : 16611051, Type : 7th free reading


Everyone know gold is the most valuable metal in the world and many people have rings and other jewellery made of it all of a sudden, Tuapeka and surrounding areas became famous and people started arriving from all over New Zealand, as well as from Australia, China and many other countries. 11.000 people working the gold fields in 1861, Dunedin was only a small town of about 3.000 people.
            This situated in the south of the south island among beautiful nature all these things make Dunedin a popular place for tourist behind Dunedin there have been two great influences gold.

Name : Yulia Gusmiarni, Student number : 16611051, Type : 6th free reading

Everyday, we get to do many thing activities  but don’t forget you must make your life to enjoy  it is important for make our life happy  not only will it be good for us, it will also be good for our healthy. So if you want make your life happy you must to do this.
            First, look at the people around you especially your family and your friends there are so many people who love you and who will be there for you. This being said you will get to value the people around you. and the second rules is with eat some food sometimes when I am feeling so blue I eat some chocolate and well I eat anything that I find but you must combined fruit and vegetables. But don’t stuck with your blue and sadness you must move on from your old memories if you will have good future.