Tuesday 15 November 2016

My Flickr

I ca use this site for creating students' picture-based learning environment.

My Edmodo

Edmodo can be used as an online study environment. This site is useful for teachers who want to build an online forum with their students.

Sunday 13 November 2016

My video about ELEP 2016

 Click the linked picture to see the already made example video

 Windows Live Movie Maker is a good tool for designing a video material for students. The teacher can make his own video or modifies chunks of videos, trim unnecessary scenes, include music in the video, embed some related pictures to make it flow smoothly. This tool promotes teacher self-recorded video, and demands the teacher to be as creative as he can be.

My Kahoot

By using www.create.kahoot.it, it allows me to make quiz, survey, and discussion. By clicking the picture below you will be able to see how it works. Kahoot is basically useful for teachers in preparing three things - quiz, discussion and survey. Though it demands at least each group of the students to have at least a smartphone with them, it seems to be not imp0ssible to conduct a teaching-learning activity by using this nice and user friendly website due to today's technology commonness. It also promotes to any teachers the implementation of need analysis prior to the teaching-learning activity. Besides, the organization of the three features of Kahoot allows a sense of competition among students so that it stimulates their cognitive knowledge within the time set by the teacher.

My Edpuzzle

By using this site, I will be able to get my students focused on the video they watch by asking questions related to it in the middle of watching the video. Sometimes, the use of authentic material such as video taken from YouTube misleads teachers by not letting them to get the students into it. One way to attract the students' attention to the material is, of course, not limited to how interesting the material itself for them. The teachers also can engage the students' interest by asking several related questions in the middle of the video play. Whether it is individual or group work, the students will easily get into the topic and the teachers may d less effort in managing the class instruction.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

My Wordle

In this activity I could use www.wordle.com as a tool to know which words that I use the most in my writing. This tool is also useful for brainstorming ideas in the free writing. It also makes the learning fun as I can see the most frequently used words in a very artistic appearance.

The use of this artistic tool is better to be implemented to students who have artistic intelligence. It can be one of a way out for English teachers in encouraging their students' activeness in the class. 

Tuesday 8 November 2016

My Voki

 In this activity I can set up a character I want and give it a voice based on the the sources provided by the site. This site can also be used to teach students vocabulary, recognize English accents, adjectives, and character clues (assassins). The following link will lead you to see it. I will also be able to see students' avatars if they share them to me by using blog and vice versa.

Friday 4 November 2016

My Cartoon Activity

http://www.toondoo.com In this activity, I use www.toondoo.com for making a stripe comic that I can share for the purpose of my students' learning. The comic reading will be very useful for getting students into reading-grammar exercises. It needs more creativity in making the comic story relevant to the students' real life. We can make fun on little 'c' culture and do grammar exercise at the same time. This visual media is also useful for triggering students' creativity and help them reach the target language easily. This comic making activity should be introduced to the students as well since it will help increase their writing skill.

Thursday 3 November 2016

You can try yourself here


  I use this link to trigger an idea of making some good words or poem using the pictures and choice of words available in the site. In my next writing class, I will have an idea of having my students writing their English 'Haiku' - a Japanese style poem which consists of 5-7-5 syllables. In this way, students can stimulate their writing idea and they can practice English syllables

My Piclits


I worked with Gusti and Joan in creating Prezzi presentation to practice with this tool so we could learn and share with each other. The presentation comprises all experience that we got in Universiti Brunei Darussalam as well as that in East-West center, Hawai'i in order for the reader to learn from it. the presentation mainly displays the 11-week English program which promotes the regional identity among ASEAN society and community building through leadership program, academic research empowerment, English  teachers' language proficiency, teaching methodologies and knowledge in the use of ICT. 

You may check the link or the embedded presentation below:


Need Analysis

Need Analysis

What we do in need analysis is to know the teachers’ perspectives and practices in integrated Computer Technology (ICT) and English Language Teaching (ELT). The purpose of the research is to determine the overall English Teacher’s Perspective and Practices in the use of ICT in their Language Classroom. The result of this survey would be beneficial to define Teacher’s ability in ICT and design particular Workshop to improve Teachers competence in ICT for language teaching as well as prepare teachers in facing 21st century Teaching era. The subjects of this study would be random sampling from English Teachers of Secondary Schools in Indonesia and Philippines.
To open the need analysis, please click on the following address


Helta Anggia

Wednesday 2 November 2016


Indonesia set up the new law about copyright or we usually called HAKI (Hak Cipta dan Kekayaan Intelektual), it stated in Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta. However, the rules and regulation is not yet applied and acknowledged to all Indonesian citizens. it is only know by some elites people who deal with Intellectual property and education. To some educators practitioners, the regulation has been applied very well in order to avoid plagiarism in their paperwork. to check more about Copyrights in Indonesia you can search on these several links below:

  • http://kelembagaan.ristekdikti.go.id/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/UU-Nomor-28-Tahun-2014.pdf
  • http://www.hukumonline.com/pusatdata/detail/lt5460681737444/node/534/uu-no-28-tahun-2014-hak-cipta
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_law_of_Indonesia 
  • http://www.hukumonline.com/pusatdata/download/lt5460687f0c59d/node/lt5460681737444

Tuesday 1 November 2016



My name is Helta Anggia. I am an English lecturer of Universitas Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. Currently I am doing my short course program on ICT and teaching methodologies and assessment at East-West Center, Hawai'i. 

In this blog I will be showing what I am learning in my ICT for ELT module in Hawai'i for four weeks. You can see how this program is useful for me personally and how I will implement my idea to my students and my colleagues upon returning from this 11-week program in this video